Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Last night you took me to the pier. How unexpectedly romantic of you, on that wonderfully warm night. Still, I can't give you what you're looking for. And neither can you return the favor. I hope you enjoyed those moments, because they are limited.

Photos taken by a friend of mine. Find his blog Here.

If the shoe fits...

Wear it. Work it. We've all heard it before. In many cases, you'll find yourself a pair of heels you'd readily throw yourself in front of a bus for, try them on, and feel as if you'd just stepped into the most perfect union between woman and accessory that has ever been created. Yet just as many times will you find that that immaculate pair of heels you've been eyeing just doesn't come in your size. Too big, too small, it doesn't matter. I've been finding myself asking, metaphorically speaking, is it too much to ask for??

We have so many pairs of shoes in our closets. Working shoes. Playing shoes. Love shoes, family shoes, friend shoes, party shoes, make-bad-decisions shoes; some we wear over and over again until they're worn and tattered. Some we wear once and it never sees the light of day again.. but amusing as they are, enough of these enigmatic shoe-parallels to my daily life. I just know that somehow, I need change. But it doesn't happen overnight.

I guess we can't all be Cinderella's.

Funny I should write about shoes today - last night I caught a friend of mine wearing these. FiveFingers, aka toe shoes. Apparently, they're much better than regular shoes for your foot and leg muscles. Unlike regular shoes that provide us with a sort of unnatural protection, these toe shoes put your feet in a more "natural state", simulating the feeling of walking barefoot. As for the aesthetic aspect of it... I think Hobbits have finally taken over the industry. But I'll say no more. Educate yourself more about it here.

Anyone know if Macy's carries glass slippers?


Aisha K.

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